June 29, 2024

How do I import and segment an external list of contacts into HubSpot?

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Step 1: Log into HubSpot

  • Access the HubSpot homepage.
  • Input your credentials to get to the main dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Contacts

  • Find and click on the "Contacts" tab at the top navigation bar.

Step 3: Begin Import Process

  • Look for the "Import" button or option. This is often found in the upper right corner or within a dropdown menu.
  • Click on "Import."

Step 4: Select File to Import

  • Click on "Start an import."
  • Choose "File from computer" and then click "Next."
  • Browse your computer and select the list file you wish to import (typically CSV format).

Step 5: Choose File Type

  • HubSpot will ask the type of data in the file.
  • Select "Contacts" and then click "Next."

Step 6: Map Fields

  • HubSpot will display the fields in the CSV file and ask you to map them to the corresponding fields in HubSpot.
  • Ensure each field from your list corresponds with the appropriate HubSpot field.
  • Click "Next" when you've finished mapping.

Step 7: Review and Complete Import

  • Check the details of your import to ensure everything looks correct.
  • Click "Finish import."

Step 8: Access Imported Contacts

  • After the import, go back to the "Contacts" tab.
  • You'll see your newly imported contacts in the contact database.

Step 9: Segment the Contacts

  • Click on "Lists" in the Contacts dropdown.
  • Choose "Create list."
  • Name the list and select "Active list" or "Static list" based on your preference.

Step 10: Set Criteria for Segmentation

  • Use filters to segment your contacts based on specific criteria from your imported data, such as:
  • Geography
  • Job title
  • Source
  • Any custom property you imported
  • Click on "And" or "Or" to add more criteria or conditions if needed.

Step 11: Preview and Save

  • HubSpot will display a preview of the contacts that match your criteria.
  • If satisfied with the segmentation, click "Save" or "Create list."

Step 12: Use or Engage with the Segmented List

  • With your segmented list:
  • Send targeted emails.
  • Create personalized workflows.
  • Analyze specific group behaviors or trends.

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